Press Conference Notes Lea Recaps Offseason And Looks Towards Week 1

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Press Conference Notes: Lea recaps offseason and looks towards Week 1

New Changes and Improvements

Head coach Mike Lea held a press conference Monday to recap the offseason and look ahead to Week 1. Here are some of the key takeaways:

Offseason Recap

Lea began his press conference by recapping the offseason. He said the team made good use of its time and is now ready to hit the ground running in Week 1.

Looking Ahead to Week 1

Lea then turned his attention to Week 1, when the team will host the Georgia Bulldogs. He said the team is excited for the challenge and is looking forward to getting the season started.


Lea's press conference was full of optimism and excitement. He believes the team has the potential to be successful this season and is looking forward to getting the season started. The team will host the Georgia Bulldogs in Week 1, and Lea is confident they can compete with them.