Video Dan Radakovich On Upcoming Football Season Update On Athletic Facilities And Latest With Acc

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VIDEO: Dan Radakovich on upcoming football season, update on athletic facilities and latest with ACC

Clemson athletic director reflects on 2022-23 school year and discusses what's on the horizon for the Tigers in 2023-24

First year in the ACC complete and much to celebrate

Clemson athletic director Dan Radakovich was a guest on the ACC Network's Packer and Durham show on Monday morning. He reflected on the 2022-23 school year and discussed what's on the horizon for the Tigers in 2023-24.

Radakovich began by discussing the football team's successful season. The Tigers finished 11-3 and won the ACC Championship Game. They also reached the College Football Playoff for the seventh time in the past eight years.

Radakovich praised the team's resilience and determination. He said that the Tigers never gave up, even when they faced adversity. He also praised the coaching staff for doing a great job of preparing the team for success.

Looking ahead to 2023-24

Radakovich then looked ahead to the 2023-24 season. He said that the Tigers have a lot of talent returning, and he is excited about the team's potential.

Radakovich also discussed the team's schedule. He said that the Tigers will have a challenging schedule, but he is confident that they will be ready for the challenge.

Athletic facilities update

Radakovich also provided an update on the athletic facilities. He said that the new football operations center is on schedule to open in the fall of 2024. He also said that the new basketball practice facility is expected to open in the fall of 2025.

ACC update

Finally, Radakovich discussed the ACC. He said that the conference is in a strong position and that he is excited about the future of the ACC.

Radakovich also praised the ACC Network. He said that the network has done a great job of promoting the conference and its member schools.

Overall, Radakovich was very positive about the state of Clemson athletics. He said that the Tigers are in a great position to continue to be successful in the future.