Undertaker Dissects Randy Orton Vs Gunther Feud Doubts Gunthers Heel Character

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Undertaker Dissects Randy Orton vs. Gunther Feud, Doubts Gunther's Heel Character

The WWE Legend Provides Insight into the Current Rivalry

The Undertaker recently gave his thoughts on the ongoing feud between Randy Orton and Gunther, expressing concerns about Gunther's heel character.

Undertaker Questions Gunther's Heel Persona

In an interview with Sportskeeda, the Deadman stated, "I'm not sure if Gunther is believable as a heel. He comes across as more of a tweener."

The Undertaker believes that Gunther's character lacks the necessary edge to be a compelling villain. He added, "A true heel needs to be ruthless and cunning. I'm not seeing that from Gunther."

Orton's Veteran Presence

Despite his reservations about Gunther, the Undertaker praised Randy Orton's performance in the feud. "Randy is a seasoned veteran who knows how to work a crowd," he said.

The Undertaker believes that Orton's experience will be crucial in carrying the feud and elevating Gunther.

Potential Storyline Twists

The Undertaker also speculated on possible storyline twists in the feud. "I could see Gunther turning face if the fans start to cheer him," he said.

Alternatively, he suggested that Orton could align himself with a new faction or bring in allies to gain an advantage.


The Undertaker's insights provide valuable perspective on the Randy Orton vs. Gunther feud. While he questions Gunther's heel character, he recognizes the potential for gripping storylines and an exciting conclusion.