Power To Be Cut Indefinitely At 140 Rancho Palos Verdes Homes After Land Movement Such A Dangerous Situation

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Power to be Cut Indefinitely at 140 Rancho Palos Verdes Homes After Land Movement: "Such a Dangerous Situation"

Residents Face Indefinite Power Outage Due to Land Movement

Approximately 140 Rancho Palos Verdes homes in Southern California are facing an indefinite power outage due to significant land movement in the area.

"Such a Dangerous Situation": Residents Express Concerns

Residents have expressed concerns about the safety and well-being of their families and property due to the unstable land conditions. "It's such a dangerous situation," said one resident. "We're worried about our homes and our safety."

Power Restoration Timeline Uncertain

According to local authorities, the power restoration timeline is uncertain as the land movement continues to be monitored and assessed. Geologists are working to determine the extent of the movement and the potential risks involved.

Key Points:


Steps for Impacted Residents:

  1. Stay informed about the situation by checking local news and official updates.
  2. Contact utility companies for information on power restoration.
  3. Consider temporary housing arrangements if necessary.
  4. Follow safety guidelines and evacuate if instructed.

Additional Context and Sources:


According to the Daily Breeze, the land movement was detected on Thursday, prompting the power outage for safety reasons.


The KTLA reported that the evacuation order has since been lifted, but residents are advised to stay informed and follow official updates.