New Us Rules Try To Make It Harder For Criminals To Launder Money By Paying Cash For Homes

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New US Rules Aim to Curb Money Laundering Through Real Estate


In a bid to combat money laundering, the US government has implemented new regulations that will make it more difficult for criminals to use cash to purchase homes and other real estate properties.

Key Changes:

The new rules, effective September 22, 2023, require businesses and individuals involved in real estate transactions to:

Purpose of the Regulations:

The goal of these regulations is to increase transparency in real estate transactions and make it harder for criminals to launder money through the purchase of property. Money laundering is a serious crime that can undermine the integrity of the financial system and fund illicit activities.

According to FinCEN, real estate is a common target for money launderers due to its high dollar value and the ability to easily conceal the source of funds.

Impact on Real Estate Transactions:

While these regulations aim to deter money laundering, they may also add some additional steps to real estate transactions. However, experts believe that the long-term benefits of reducing money laundering will outweigh any potential inconveniences.

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) has expressed support for the new rules, acknowledging the importance of combating money laundering in the real estate industry.


The new US regulations are a significant step towards combating money laundering and protecting the integrity of the financial system. By requiring increased transparency and reporting of cash transactions, these rules aim to make it harder for criminals to use real estate as a vehicle for illicit activities.