Drew Mcintyre Explains The Photo He Took With Aews Jack Perry

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Drew McIntyre Explains the Photo He Took With AEW’s Jack Perry

Drew McIntyre recently took to social media to share a photo of himself with AEW star Jack Perry, the son of the late "Hangman" Adam Page. The photo quickly went viral, with many fans speculating about a possible crossover between WWE and AEW.

In a recent interview, McIntyre explained that the photo was taken at a charity event in Orlando, Florida. He said that he and Perry had been talking for a while and that they had a lot of mutual friends.

McIntyre also said that he is a big fan of Perry's work and that he would be open to working with him in the future. "I think he's a great talent," McIntyre said. "He's got a lot of potential, and I think he's going to be a big star in this business."

Perry has not yet commented on the photo or on the possibility of working with McIntyre in the future. However, it is clear that the two men have a lot of respect for each other.

The photo of McIntyre and Perry has sparked a lot of speculation about a possible crossover between WWE and AEW. While there is no official word on whether or not this will happen, it is certainly a possibility.

If McIntyre and Perry were to work together, it would be a major moment for both companies. It would be the first time that a WWE and AEW star have teamed up in a major match.

It would also be a sign that the two companies are willing to work together, which would be a major step forward for the wrestling industry.