Captives Release A Key Term Of Deal

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Initial Weeks of Gaza Cease-Fire May Only See Limited Hostage Release

Captives' Release a Key Term of Deal

After eleven days of intense aerial bombardment and rocket fire, Israel and Hamas agreed to a cease-fire on May 21, 2021. A key term of the deal is the release of Israeli civilians and the remains of Israeli soldiers held captive by Hamas.

Limited Release in Initial Weeks

In the initial weeks following the cease-fire, it is anticipated that only a small number of hostages will be released. According to Israeli officials, Hamas is holding approximately 10 Israeli civilians and the remains of four soldiers. The release of these hostages is a top priority for the Israeli government.

Obstacles to Hostage Release

There are several obstacles that could delay or prevent the release of the hostages. One obstacle is the ongoing investigation into the death of a Hamas commander during the fighting. Hamas has demanded the release of the commander's body as a condition for releasing the hostages.

Another obstacle is the lack of trust between Israel and Hamas. The two sides have a long history of mistrust and violence, making it difficult to negotiate a deal that both sides can agree on.

International Pressure

The international community is putting pressure on both Israel and Hamas to reach a deal that includes the release of the hostages. The United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union have all called for the immediate release of the hostages.


The release of Israeli hostages is a key term of the cease-fire deal between Israel and Hamas. However, it is anticipated that only a small number of hostages will be released in the initial weeks following the cease-fire. There are several obstacles that could delay or prevent the release of the hostages, including the ongoing investigation into the death of a Hamas commander and the lack of trust between the two sides.