2024 Presidential Election Predictions

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2024 Presidential Election Predictions

Key Points


According to a recent poll by the Pew Research Center, Biden is the favorite to win the Democratic nomination, with 54% of Democratic voters saying they would support him in a primary.

However, a number of other candidates are also in the running, including Harris, Buttigieg, and Warren. Harris is the current vice president, and she has a strong base of support among African American voters.

Buttigieg is a former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and he has a strong appeal to moderate voters. Warren is a progressive senator from Massachusetts, and she has a strong base of support among liberal voters.

On the Republican side, the field is more wide open. Former President Donald Trump is considering a run, but he has not yet announced his decision.

Other potential Republican candidates include Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, and Senator Ted Cruz.

According to a recent poll by the University of New Hampshire, DeSantis is the favorite to win the Republican nomination, with 35% of Republican voters saying they would support him in a primary.

However, a number of other candidates are also in the running, including Pence, Cruz, and Trump. Pence is a former vice president, and he has a strong base of support among evangelical voters.

Cruz is a conservative senator from Texas, and he has a strong base of support among Tea Party voters. Trump is a former president, and he has a strong base of support among white working-class voters.


The 2024 presidential election is still a long way off, but there is already a lot of speculation about who will run and who will win.

The current frontrunners are Biden for the Democrats and DeSantis for the Republicans, but a number of other candidates are also in the running.